FOI request (FOI216271)
Service User Involvement in Commissioning
Requested Thu 22 June 2017
Responded Thu 22 June 20171. Are there minimum requirements for patient / client consultation in your commissioning processes, and if there are could these and any relevant policy documents be shared with us?
2. Where there is not an overarching policy on these matters, could you answer the above question with specific regards to the following service areas: Housing and Homes, Rough Sleepers and Social Care
3. How are these policies implemented within the organisation and can this be evidenced?
4. Is there a member of staff (or multiple members of staff) at the organisation which is tasked with leading on service user involvement in commissioning?
5. Would it be possible to share the names, job titles and contact details on any staff who are tasked with leading on service user involvement / consultation in commissioning?
1. Consultation requirements are agreed with the relevant service department, depending on the requirements for each case. We work towards a 10 week consultation period, where practicable.2. Housing and Homes, rough sleeping: full public consultations completed as part of Housing and Homelessness Strategies - please see link below:
http://www.hastings.gov.uk/my_council/policies_strategies/housing/Social Care - This is dealt with by East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
3, 4 & 5. Consultations are organised by the Continuous Improvement and Democratic Services team, working with the relevant service department. Please contact Jane Hartnell email jhartnell@hastings.gov.uk
Freedom of Information
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