FOI request (FOI214721)
Employment Support
Requested Thu 25 May 2017
Responded Thu 25 May 2017Freedom of information request local authorities – employment support
How much did your local authority area spend on employment support services for people with a learning disability in the following financial years, and how many people with a learning disability did this investment support in that period.
2012/ 2013
If the local authority does not hold the data for learning disability specifically, please instead provide the data of how much your local authority area spent on employment services for disabled people in the same years, and how many people did this investment support.
If the local authority does not hold the data for learning disability or disability specifically, please instead provide the data of how much your local authority area spent on employment services for all unemployed people in the same years, and how many people did this investment support.
If you hold data for all three, or two of the three above, please provide the information for all of those, unless this takes the request above the cost threshold, in which case, please prioritise learning disability.
If providing this information for all the years outlined takes this request above the cost threshold, please provide data for the following years only:
If these three outlined years still take this request over the cost threshold, please provide data for the following years only:
Information not held
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Freedom of Information
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