FOI request (FOI213897)
Transformation Plans - Care
Requested Thu 04 May 2017
Responded Thu 04 May 2017“Next steps on the NHS five year forward view” (NHS England, March 2017) “Five year forward view” (NHS England, October 2015)
I refer to the documents published by NHS England entitled “Next steps on the NHS five year forward view” dated March 2017 and the “Five year forward view” dated October 2015.
I note the references to Sustainability and Transformation Plans, “Footprint” areas, Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships, Accountable Care Systems and Accountable Care Organisations in those documents.
I write to request the following information (including copies of any documents relating to the following things), in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000:
What steps, if any, your organisation has taken to implement a:
Sustainability and Transformation Plan;
Sustainability and Transformation Partnership; Accountable Care System; Accountable Care Organisation;
What plans you have to implement any or all of the above and the proposed timescale for doing so and decision-making processes to be followed in doing so.
Any documentation or instruction that you have received from NHS England describing the action your organisation is required to take, or may take, to establish the above organisations and/or otherwise to implement the new care models described in the Next steps on the NHS five year forward view and the Five year forward view.
An explanation of the legal and organisational nature of the governance arrangements for the “footprint”, as described in the Next steps on the NHS five year forward view and the Five year forward view, of which your organisation is part.
Your organisation’s understanding of the consequences if it does not implement a Sustainability and Transformation Plan, a Sustainability and Transformation Partnership, an Accountable Care System, an Accountable Care Organisation and/or any of the other new care models described in the Next steps on the NHS five year forward view and the Five year forward view, and the documents on which that understanding is based.
Information not held
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council Social Services, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Freedom of Information
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