FOI request (FOI213810)
Youth Homelessness FOI 2017
Requested Thu 08 June 2017
Responded Thu 08 June 2017We would like to know about any children/young people aged 16-24 who approached the council during the financial year 2016-2017, because they were homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Three queries relating to these young people are listed below.
Our Freedom of Information request:
We kindly request the information in queries 1-3 below for:
Each quarter of the financial year 2016-2017
1st April - 30th June 2016
1st July - 30th September 2016
1st October - 31st December 2016
1st January - 31st March 2017
Young people aged 16-24
Query 1: Homelessness presentations, assessments and eligibility in 2016-17
Within your local authority, what were the number of 16-24 year olds who:
1. Presented themselves as homeless, or at risk of homelessness
2. Were assessed under the Housing Act 1996
3. Were accepted as statutorily homeless and owed a duty
Query 2: Prevention and Relief for 2016-17
Within your local authority, what was the number of:
1. Prevention and relief cases for 16-24 year olds
Query 3: Reason left last settled base
Within your local authority, what was the number of 16-24 year olds who were accepted as statutorily homeless and owed a duty, who had one of the following main reasons for leaving their last settled base in 2016-17?
1. Parents no longer willing or able to accommodate
2. Other relatives or friends no longer willing or able to accommodate
3. Non-violent breakdown of relationship with partner
4. Violence
a) Violent breakdown of relationship, involving partner
b) Violent breakdown of relationship, involving associated persons
c) Racially motivated violence
d) Other forms of violence
5. Harassment, threats or intimidation
a) Racially motivated harassment
- b) Other forms of harassment
6. Mortgage arrears (repossession or other loss of home)
7. Rent arrears on:
a) Local authority or other public sector dwellings - b) Registered Provider dwellings
- c) Private sector dwellings
8. Loss of rented or tied accommodation due to:
a) Termination of assured shorthold tenancy - b) Reasons other than termination of assured shorthold tenancy
9. Required to leave accommodation provided by Home Office as asylum support
10. Left an institution or LA care:
a) Left prison/on remand - b) Left hospital
- c) Left other institution or LA care
11. Other reason for loss of last settled home
a) Left HM-Forces - b) Other reason (e.g. homeless in emergency, sleeping rough or in hostel, returned from abroad)
12. Total applicant households
Please see attached information as requested.
Freedom of Information
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