FOI request (FOI211417)
Sickness absence
Requested Tue 18 April 2017
Responded Tue 18 April 2017Can you tell me what the total number of days of sickness absence were recorded from council staff (non-schools) in a) 2016/17, b) 2015/16, c) 2014/15, d) 2011/12 and e) 2006/7?
Can you tell me what the average number of sick days per FTE employee per year was in a) 2016/17, b) 2015/16, c) 2014/15 and e) 2006/7? (if not available can you send me the FTE head count for staff for each of these years please)
Can you tell me the total number of days of sickness absence for stress that were recorded from council staff (non-schools) in a) 2016/17, b) 2015/16, c) 2014/15, d) 2011/12 and e) 2006/7?
Can you tell me how many staff left their posts because of long-term sickness in a) 2016/17, b) 2015/16, c) 2014/15, d) 2011/12 and e) 2006/7?
Of those, for each year, can you tell me how many left because of stress?
Can you tell me what the total number of days of sickness absence were recorded from council staff (non-schools) in:
a) 2016/17, 2379
b) 2015/16, 2470
c) 2014/15, 2066
d) 2011/12 2456
e) 2006/7 5909
Can you tell me what the average number of sick days per FTE employee per year was in a) 2016/17, b) 2015/16, c) 2014/15 and e) 2006/7? (if not available can you send me the FTE head count for staff for each of these years please)
a) 2016/17, 7.55
b) 2015/16, 7.74
c) 2014/15, 6.41
d) 2011/12 6.16
e) 2006/7 11.79
Can you tell me the total number of days of sickness absence for stress that were recorded from council staff (non-schools) in a) 2016/17, b) 2015/16, c) 2014/15, d) 2011/12 and e) 2006/7?
a) 2016/17, 162
b) 2015/16, 140
c) 2014/15, 156
d) 2011/12 122
e) 2006/7 information not held
Can you tell me how many staff left their posts because of long-term sickness in a) 2016/17, b) 2015/16, c) 2014/15, d) 2011/12 and e) 2006/7?
a) 2016/17, 1
b) 2015/16, 1
c) 2014/15, 0
d) 2011/12 1
e) 2006/7 2
Of those, for each year, can you tell me how many left because of stress?
Information not held
Freedom of Information
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