FOI request (FOI211409)
Requested Fri 31 March 2017
Responded Fri 31 March 2017I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act on how your council authority has recorded and supported children under 18 years-old who run away from home or care.
1) Do you offer children who run away or go missing a return home interview after each episode of running away?
a. Are these provided to all children missing from home or those who meet a set criteria?
2) Do you offer children who run away from care a return home interview after each episode of running away?
a. Are these provided to all children missing from care or those who meet a set criteria?
3) In 2016 and 2015, (two separate answers please) how many children ran away:
a. From care
b. From home
4) Of those children who ran away in the years above:
a) how many were male?
b) how many were female
5) Of those children reported missing after running away from home in 2015, how many had a return home interview?
6) Of those children reported missing in 2016 how many had a return home interview?
7) Of those who had a return home interview, how many were carried out within the 72 hour time frame?
8) Do you have a named senior children’s service manager responsible for monitoring policies and performance relating to children who go missing from home or care?
Information not held
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council Children's Services, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Freedom of Information
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