FOI request (FOI211003)
Mine Shafts
Requested Thu 30 March 2017
Responded Thu 30 March 2017Could you please provide me with the locations of existing mine shafts, adits and quarry extents for mineral extraction in your local authority area, along with locations of any pending or agreed planning consents for mineral extraction within Hastings Borough Council's district?
If possible please provide the mining data in a GIS vector format, I would prefer ESRI Shapefile (SHP) format. (Any popular GIS-based format such as GML, MapInfo MAP, OpenGIS, GeoJSON or AutoCAD DXF may also be used. If vector based data is not available please provide a list of addresses or X-Y coordinates or a raster based map.)
There are no existing mine shafts, adits or quarry extents for mineral extraction within the Borough of Hastings. Any further queries in this respect should be sent to East Sussex County Council as the Minerals and Waste Planning Authority for the area: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
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