FOI request (FOI210391)
Car Parking
Requested Tue 28 March 2017
Responded Tue 28 March 2017Under the Freedom of Information Act, please could you provide me with information about the amount of money the council has collected in unreturned change or money recorded as over-vend from car parking meters/machines in 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16.
Could you also provide me with the the total number of car parking meters/machines the council was responsible and the number equipped to take non-cash forms of payment (e.g. card or mobile app) in each of those years (2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16). For example, with the second part if a council car park has three payment machines but drivers can pay through an app for the car park as a whole, that would be three payment machines with non-cash forms of payment.
Q1 - Hastings Borough Council do not hold information on over-vend. Our pay and display machines do not provide information on the number of cash pay and display tickets bought or the amounts paid.
Q2 -
2010/11 38 machines
2011/12 44 machines
2012/13 44 machines
2013/14 44 machines
2014/15 45 machines including 4 credit/debit card machines
2015/16 45 machines including 4 credit/debit card machines and non cash forms of payment
Freedom of Information
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