FOI request (FOI209829)
73 Filsham Road - Ecology Reports
Requested Tue 28 March 2017
Responded Tue 28 March 2017I note that in your paragraph two you state that the Council (you) have looked into the Ecology issues at 73 Filsham Road. Gemselect who are Part of Park Lane have owned the Site for many Years it is sad that you have not named their Ecology Consultant as we are entitled so see the Annual Ecology Reports and Surveys. I am serving you formally with a request under Freedom of Information Act 2000 as amended in 2004 in regard to the substantive documents which surround your investigation. The statutory period for you to provide this information is 20 days.
The information requested in publicly available on the planning website under application number HS/FA/10/00427 - http://publicaccess.hastings.gov.uk/online-applications/ Search for the planning application – select the “Erection of 5 two bedroom flats…….”, Select Documents (131), the monitoring reports are all named “Other” published on 17 March 2017.
Freedom of Information
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