FOI request (FOI209816)
Transaction Mail
Requested Thu 18 May 2017
Responded Thu 18 May 2017I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from [authority name/department]:
- The Printing Company you use to print your Transaction Mail
- The Printing Company you use to print your Direct / Advertising Mail
- The person responsible for Transaction and Direct Mail in your organisation
- What is the annual spend on Transactional Mail
- What is the annual spend on Direct / Advertising Mail
This information is held
Q1 & 2 - Virtual Mailroom
Q3 - Mr P Grace, Tel: 01424 451066, Email: pgrace@hastings.gov.uk
Q4 & 5 - We are unable to provide a split for transactional and advertising mail however can provide a total of £222,341.26 for all mail paid in 2015-16
Freedom of Information
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