FOI request (FOI208346)
Animal Welfare Enforcement
Requested Tue 28 February 2017
Responded Tue 28 February 2017I write in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA 2000”) to request the disclosure of information held by the Public Authority which relates to enforcement of animal welfare legislation, regulations and codes of practice.
The information I request it as follows:
A breakdown of any action taken by the Public Authority which relates to businesses or individuals involved in the farming, trading, movement or slaughter of livestock, including, but not limited to, formal advice, warnings, inspections, or prosecutions, for each of the years since 2014.
Each breakdown should include, where available, the date, location and a brief description of the incident and what action was taken.
For the avoidance of doubt ‘livestock’ is defined as cattle, sheep, pigs, rabbits or poultry.
I must stress that I am not interested in data which identifies those under employ of the Public Authority or any third parties and agree for such personal information to be redacted, within reason.
Hastings Borough Council holds no information in relation to any action taken which relates to businesses or individuals involved in the farming, trading, movement or slaughter of livestock, including, but not limited to, formal advice, warnings, inspections, or prosecutions, for each of the years since 2014.
Freedom of Information
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