FOI request (FOI208341)
Green Waste Collection
Requested Wed 01 March 2017
Responded Wed 01 March 2017Do you currently charge for green waste collections? If Yes, can you please provide the following information
Have you applied increases to such charges in the last 24 months and if so
- What is the current charge?
- How much did you increase the charge(s) by?
- What % impact did this have on subscribers to the service?
Hastings Borough Council has approx 6000 subscribers
2008- sign up 1632 - cancelled 36 - subscription of £35 a year
2009- sign up 822- cancelled 77 - subscription of £35 a year
2010- sign up 550- cancelled 145 - subscription of £37 a year
2011- sign up 444- cancelled 238 - subscription of £40 a year
2012- sign up 388- cancelled 242 subscription of £40 a year
2013- sign up 444 cancelled 338 - subscription of £40 a year
2014- sign up 760 cancelled 395 - subscription of £40 a year
2015- sign up 564 cancelled 341 - subscription of £45 a year
2016- sign up 375 cancelled 355 - subscription of £50 a year
from 1st April 2017 subscription to increase to £55
Freedom of Information
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