FOI request (FOI208064)
IT Documents
Requested Tue 14 March 2017
Responded Tue 14 March 2017ICT Documents
1. ICT Strategy- I require the document that hold future plan and strategy of the organisation’s ICT department.
2. ICT Departmental Business Plan
3. ICT Technical Strategy.
4. ICT Structure
5. ICT Capital budgets and programmes
Can you please provide me with the latest document to date the organisation holds and please state this within the response. If no information is provided, I will contact the organisation back to verify that this is the latest version of the document.
AN example of this would be an ICT strategy 2012-2017, in some cases, this is acceptable, but on the foot of the document, it states 2012. We require the latest documents; please communicate this to the information holders.
If the organisation doesn’t have a document that covers the current financial year, please provide me with information (month) on when this document will be published or updated. In the response please provide us with the previous document along with publish month of the future document.
If you feel that your organisation or the department hold other documents that relate to my request or the document above please send them accordingly.
Some organisations within the region may title the document something else, which includes IM&T Strategy, IS Strategy, Technology Strategy and ICT Strategic Plan.
Lead member: Cabinet Member for ICT and Telecommunications come under. Please can you provide me with their direct contact details including their Full Name, Actual Job Title, Contact Number and Direct Email Address?
IT Documents
ICT Documents
1. ICT Strategy- I require the document that hold future plan and strategy of the organisation’s ICT department.- Information Not Held
2. ICT Departmental Business Plan - Information Not Held
3. ICT Technical Strategy. - Information Not Held
4. ICT Structure - We are unsure what information is required - What is meant by 'ICT Structure'?
5. ICT Capital budgets and programmes - Details of the IT Reserve can be found http://hastings.moderngov.co.uk/documents/b9202/Revised%20Budget%20Report%2022nd-Feb-2017%2018.00%20Full%20Council.pdf?T=9 - Please see page 47.
Can you please provide me with the latest document to date the organisation holds and please state this within the response. If no information is provided, I will contact the organisation back to verify that this is the latest version of the document.
AN example of this would be an ICT strategy 2012-2017, in some cases, this is acceptable, but on the foot of the document, it states 2012. We require the latest documents; please communicate this to the information holders.
If the organisation doesn’t have a document that covers the current financial year, please provide me with information (month) on when this document will be published or updated. In the response please provide us with the previous document along with publish month of the future document.
If you feel that your organisation or the department hold other documents that relate to my request or the document above please send them accordingly.
Some organisations within the region may title the document something else, which includes IM&T Strategy, IS Strategy, Technology Strategy and ICT Strategic Plan.
Notice Of Refusal
Section 43(2) states that information is exempt if its disclosure would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of any person (including the public authority holding it).
Disclosure of internal ICT planning documents could adversely affect the council's negotiating position and approach to ICT solutions. This could prevent the council achieving 'best value'.
The exemption is subject to the public interest test. There is an overwhelming public interest in protecting the Council's negotiating position and thoughts regarding potential costs and benefits of particular approaches. This outweighs the public interest in accountability and transparency that would be served by disclosure.
Lead member: Cabinet Member for ICT and Telecommunications come under. Please can you provide me with their direct contact details including their Full Name, Actual Job Title, Contact Number and Direct Email Address?
Cllr. Andrew Cartwright, 01424 451066, cllr.andrew.cartwright@hastings.gov.uk
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