FOI request (FOI207829)
HS/CD/16/655 - Correspondence between HBC and Archaeological consultees
Requested Tue 21 March 2017
Responded Tue 21 March 2017At the Planning Committee meeting of 08/02/2017 the development control manager Mrs Evans stated:
“Also I would add that the concept and the suggested wording of an amended discharge similar to that proposed was sent to the archaeologist, our archaeologists, to check whether they were happy with that and whether that would, in their eyes, compromise the situation, should there be further changes. And they weren’t — they’re fine with it. They said that was acceptable to them, and I think that as they are the specialists it’s reasonable that we have regard to what they say and to recommend accordingly”
I note that this correspondence has not been posted on the application web site.
Could you please provide me with copies of this correspondence and ALL correspondence between HBC and all Archaeological Consultees for the lifetime of this application.
Please take this as a formal request under FOI regulations.
I would be grateful if this request could be dealt with as soon as possible as it is part of an open planning application and the information is relevant to other consultees.
Please see attached correspondence that is not available online. All other correspondence has been by way of formal consultations on the planning application and responses are available via public access at http://publicaccess.hastings.gov.uk/online-applications/simpleSearchResults.do?action=firstPage.
Article 40 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 requires each local planning authority to maintain a register of planning applications in relation to their area and Article 40(14) of that same order makes provision for the register to be made available online. Whilst local authorities therefore, have a legal duty to make available certain details relating to planning applications (as a public register), there is no enhanced duty or legal requirement to disclose information relating to planning applications other than the statutory requirement. It is for local planning authorities to decide what information beyond the statutory minimum (as defined in article 40 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015) should be included on the planning register. Not all of the information or correspondence accompanying a planning application forms part of the application register. The Council therefore, is under no statutory obligation to publish the correspondence referred to onlineAttachments
Freedom of Information
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