FOI request (FOI207263)
Scrap Metal Dealers
Requested Wed 22 February 2017
Responded Wed 22 February 20171. How many visits have your Local Authority Officers made to licensed Scrap Metal Dealers in order to enforce the provisions of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013?
Please break down by periods
Dec 2013 – Nov 2014
Dec 2014 – Nov 2015
Dec 2015 – Nov 2016
2. How many Scrap Metal Dealers were licensed with yourselves as at 31st January 2014? Please break down by 'Collectors' and 'Site'.
3. How many of the above (question 2) have renewed their licence as of 31st January 2017?
4. Please advise your charges as at December 2013 for a) Site Licences and b) Collectors Licences, please also advise whether your fees have changed as at 31st January 2017.
5. How many closure orders have been issued or enforcement actions undertaken by yourselves between December 2013 and November 2016?
6. When authorising or renewing a Scrap Metal Dealers Licence please advise whether your Authority confirms that the Scrap Metal Dealer holds the following?
A) Environmental Permit
B) Waste Carriers License
C) Planning Permission
D) Wamitab
This information is held
Q1 - 2013 - 2014 - 20 visits, 2014 - 2015 - 21 visits, 2015 - 2016 - 15 visits
Q2 - Sites 8, Collectors 9
Q3 - Sites 4, Collectors 8
Q4 - Sites £375 now £381, Collectors £275 now £279
Q5 - Nil
Q6 - A,B and C
Freedom of Information
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