FOI request (FOI207221)
hs/cd/16/655 - Rocklands discharge of condition 7 drainage
Requested Thu 16 February 2017
Responded Thu 16 February 2017I write as a representative of SEG who are a consultee to this application.
Please find attached letter from Southern Water posted on application web site.
This letter refers to correspondence from HBC to Southern Water dated the 25/01/2017.
This correspondence has not been posted on the application web site.
Can you please provide me with a copy of this correspondence as a matter of urgency.
Please take this as a formal request under FOI/EI legislation if necessary.
Please be aware that this information is relevant to the discharge of conditions and it is therefore necessary to supply this information to consultees as soon as possible.
Please post this email as a comment from SEG on the application web site.
The correspondence refers to the standard email sent (generated by our database) which invited comments from the relevant consultees in respect of the Revised Planting Schedule and Planting, Maintenance and Establishment Specification only. We do not hold a copy of the correspondence other than the date it was sent, which was 25 January 2017, however I can provide the wording used within the letter:
Dear Sirs,
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As Amended)
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
(As Amended)
Application Number: HS/CD/16/00655
Proposed Development: Discharge of condition 4 (details of the planting scheme and soft landscaping),
6 (archaeological monitoring), 7 (foul and surface water drainage scheme) and
8 (external colour scheme) of Appeal A ref. APP/B1415/C/15/3029007 -
Location: Rocklands Private Caravan Park, Rocklands Lane, Hastings, TN35 5DY
Proposed Amendments: Revised drainage layout plan
I refer to my previous letter regarding the above planning application, and write to advise you that
I have now received the amendments described above. I would be pleased to receive your
comments as soon as possible.
If you have no objections please advise the caseworker by email as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully,
Freedom of Information
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