FOI request (FOI206679)
Medical Conditions
Requested Fri 03 February 2017
Responded Fri 03 February 2017I am writing as a member organisation of the Health Conditions in Schools Alliance to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act.
Since the introduction of the Children and Families Act in September 2014, all maintained schools are legally required to look after children with medical conditions. As part of the statutory duty, schools are expected to have a medical conditions policy in place. In lots of areas we know that local authorities are sharing a template medical conditions policy that schools can adapt for their own needs. The change in the law was a fantastic achievement for children with medical conditions, as is the sharing of best practice information between schools and local authorities.
However, due to ongoing concerns raised by parents in the two years since, the Health Conditions in Schools Alliance is writing to Local Authorities throughout England to ask to see their sample medical conditions policies as we want to get an idea of how many local authorities do have this information. As an Alliance we are keen to do what we can to provide information to support local authorities – seeing your medical conditions policy will help us identify what information and support we can usefully provide.
Please can you respond to this request to:
1. Do you have a sample medical conditions policy – Yes/No
If no, please state a reason
2. If you have a sample medical conditions policy
i) Has it been shared with maintained schools your local authority is responsible for?
ii) How many of those schools have adopted your template policy?
iii) When was the last time it was shared with schools?
iv) What training have you offered to support schools?
Information not held
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further information www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Freedom of Information
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