FOI request (FOI206072)
Site FB2 Former West St Leonards Primary School, Bexhill Road
Requested Thu 26 January 2017
Responded Thu 26 January 2017Environmental Information Regulations 2004 Request re: Site FB2 Former West St Leonards Primary School, Bexhill Road, St Leonards-on-sea
In July or 2015 Councillor Mike Howard advised that Hastings Borough Council were getting an independent report on the anthrax which is buried in the above site.
Please would you provide me with a copy of the report.
Please would you also provide me with copies of any other information that Hastings Borough Council has in connection with anthrax on the above site.
Information not held
Hastings Borough Council hold no reports or information in relation to this request.
It is believed that East Sussex County Council may have conducted some ground investigations and therefore may hold relevant information as requested - www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Freedom of Information
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