FOI request (FOI206069)
HS/CD/16/00655 - Correspondence with Southern Water
Requested Mon 30 January 2017
Responded Mon 30 January 2017Condition 7 of the appeal decision on the new building stipulates that the applicant must provide a foul and surface water drainage scheme.
“A foul and surface water drainage scheme submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details prior to first occupation.”
The drainage scheme submitted with application HS/CD/16/00655 by Rocklands does not conform to the requirements stipulated by Southern Water.
SEG wish to be certain that HBC have taken or are taking action to ensure all requirements of this condition are fulfilled to avoid unnecessary complaints to the LGO.
We are aware that there have been communications from HBC to Southern Water following the submission of a drainage scheme in early January.
We note that there is no correspondence with Southern Water on this matter recorded on the Planning web site for the application. All such correspondence should be recorded and in the public domain.
Please provide copies of all correspondence between HBC and Southern Water for this application.
Please take this as a formal request under FOI/EIR regulations.
This information is held
Southern Water were consulted on the revised drainage layout plain via our planning application database on 6 January 2017. Their responses to these consultations are publicly available on our website at http://publicaccess.hastings.gov.uk/online-applications/simpleSearchResults.do?action=firstPage
Intermediary correspondence chasing these responses is attached. Southern Water have since asked for clarification on the existing drainage situation, to which I am still awaiting a response. This email trail is also attachedAttachments
Freedom of Information
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