FOI request (FOI205960)
Obtaining External Funding to make Ecclesbourne Glen accessible
Requested Fri 24 February 2017
Responded Fri 24 February 2017In the leader of the councils reply to a question at the full council meeting of 10/02/2016 it was said that:
- The Council will therefore work with its engineers to see if Ecclesbourne Glen can be made accessible through an engineered solution. The Council recognises the high desirability of an east west access through the Country Park. This would depend upon cost, obtaining external funding and securing a design which offered some long term prospect of stability. The views of Natural England, planning and local residents would also be crucial in their different ways. Since the landslip, Hastings Borough Council and East Sussex County Council have worked hard to improve footpaths within Ecclesbourne Glen to ensure they are open and accessible for the public. Ecclesbourne Glen can be accessed from many areas of the Country Park other than the East Hill.
SEG would like to know what progress has been made by HBC in pursuing the goal of obtaining external funding.
Could you please let us have the following:
- Details of what measures to obtain external funding have been made.
- Details of what bodies have been contacted to obtain external funding
- Details of the amount of funds that have requested
Please take this as a formal request under EIR regulations.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
Please refer to your questions to Full Council -15th February 2017 (copy attached for ease of reference)
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