FOI request (FOI205641)
Schools and Education
Requested Thu 19 January 2017
Responded Thu 19 January 2017I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from Hastings Borough Council, Schools and Education Team.
I would like to request a list of School names and addresses, with the contact details for the following administrative and academic job functions, as appropriate to each school type:
Admin Contacts
Head Teacher
Deputy Head
Business Manager
Site Services Manager and/or Caretaker
IT Manager (infrastructure)
School Secretary
Catering Manager
Curriculum Contacts
Head of Art and Design
Head of Citizenship
Head of Computing
Head of Classics
Head of Design and Technology
Head of English / Literacy
Head of Geography
Head of History
Head of Humanities
Head of Maths / Numeracy
Head of Modern Foreign Languages
Head of Music
Head of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Head of Physical Education
Head of Psychology
Head of Religious Education
Head of Science
Head of Sociology
Please include the DFE School Number with each record.
If it were possible to have direct email addresses for each contact this would also be favourable.
Please provide the information in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. It’s okay for there to be relational tables linking contacts to sites, or supply a flat table if this is easier to produce.
Information not held
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council Schools and Education, please visit their website for further information www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Freedom of Information
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