FOI request (FOI205394)
Parking Meters
Requested Fri 03 February 2017
Responded Fri 03 February 20171. What is the total number of parking meters owned by your council?
2. Of this number, how many will need to be completely replaced to cater for the introduction of the new pound coin?
3. Of this number, how many will only need software updates to cater for the introduction of the new pound coin?
4. Approximately how much will it cost to completely replace one of the parking meters owned by your council?
5. Approximately how much will it cost to upgrade the software of a single machine to cater for the new pound coin?
This information is held1 - Total number of parking machines within our car parks is 45
2 - No machines will need to be completely replaced to cater for the new £1 coin
3 - Of the 45 machines we have 35 can be 'retuned' which essentially means a software update
4 - To fully replace a parking meter would cost in the region of £2500 to £3500 depending on the type of machine used
5 - To upgrade the software or retune a coin acceptor will cost £95 per machine
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