FOI request (FOI205392)
Fax Management System
Requested Mon 23 January 2017
Responded Mon 23 January 20171. Do you have an Electronic Fax Management System (A Fax Server)?
2. How many manual fax machines do you have?
3. Who is the Manufacturer of your Multifunction Printers, and who maintains them?
4. Who is the manufacturer of your Telephony system and who maintains it?
5. What is the job title of the person responsible for your Fax policy/strategy?
6. Do you use Text Messaging?
7. What is the job title of the person responsible for your Text Messaging policy/strategy?
I make this request on behalf of ProcessFlows UK Limited and I would prefer to receive the information electronically.
Q1 - . No
Q2 - 6x MFDs with fax capabilities and 1x Fax Machine
Q3 - Canon, Canon
Q4 - Cisco, 365itms
Q5 - Not Applicable, we do not have a fax policy/strategy.
Q6 - No
Q7 - Not Applicable, we do not have a text messaging policy/strategy.
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