FOI request (FOI204655)
Planning Permission for Combe Haven Caravan Park
Requested Thu 19 January 2017
Responded Thu 19 January 2017There are a number of planning permissions listed on the Caravan Site Licence for Combe Haven Caravan Park, the first being: HS/FA/71/649. I found the above planning permission under 71/00649 but unfortunately the copy is unreadable. There are 15 conditions on this permission most of which are illegible.
Please can I have a copy of the original planning permission?
Condition 1 of the Site Licence states 'No caravan not on a hard standing as specified hereunder shall be stationed on any part of the said land between 15 January and the 1st March in that year except in an area approved in writing by the Council as a winter storage area and no caravan stationed on the land shall be used for the purposes of human habitation between those dates. Such hard standing of a suitable material shall extend over the whole area occupied by the caravan placed upon it and should project not less than one metre outwards from the entrance or entrances of the caravan.'
Please can it be confirmed when this condition was changed from the original condition that stated that: Condition 5. 'The land shall only be used for the stationing of caravans between 1 March and 31 October, inclusive in each year, and during the months of November to February of each year no caravans shall be allowed to remain on the land?
Planning Permission: HS/FA/98/00424 only seems to relate to a change on condition on certain planning permissions, noted below, and not to the original planning permissions relevant to the site. I have noted the description of the relevant planning permissions for ease of reference.
'HS/FA/98/00424 - Extension of Permitted Operating Season from 28 February in any one year to 14 January in the following year (Variation of Condition Attached to Existing Consents).
1. Variation of Condition 5 of Planning Permission HS/FA/80/345 to read as follows:-
“The site shall only be used for the residential occupation of seventy caravans from 28th February in any year to 14 January in the following year and the minimum distance between any two caravans shall be 20 feet and the minimum spacing must allow 30 X 30 feet per caravan and car if any cars are parked alongside”.'
HS/FA/80/00345 - Re-siting of 70 caravans within the overall site area.
'2. Variation of Condition 4 of Planning Permission HS/FA/81/502 and HS/FA/84/553 to read as follows:-
The chalets hereby permitted shall only be used for residential occupation between 28th February in any year to 14 February in the following year.”'
HS/FA/81/00502 - Erection of 75 3 Bedroom Chalets.
'HS/FA/84/553' not on licence - 'Erection of 34 single storey, short stay, semi-detached chalet units and 34 parking spaces
3. Variation of Condition 10 of Planning Permission HS/FA/93/0271 to read as follows:-
“The caravans herby approved shall not be used between 15th January and 27 February in any year.”'
HS/FA/93/00271 - Change of Use of Land to Create Additional Outdoor Recreational Facilities, 44 Static Caravan Bases together with Attendant Landscaping.
'The reasons for the imposition of the said conditions are:
1. “To enable the Local Planning Authority to regulate and control the proposed development in the interest of the amenities of the area.”'
Planning Condition 2 of the site licence states that not more than 960 caravans plus one residential shall be stationed on the said land at any one time.
'2. Not more than 960 caravans (+ 1 residential) shall be stationed on the said land at any one time.' Planning Permission: HS/FA/71/00649 is for 900 caravans, this permission seems to have been renewed or amended in 1972 (HS/FA/72/00679) but I cannot find where the number of caravans was increased to 960.
Please can you confirm when this happened and what the relevant planning permission number was?
Condition 6 of the Site Licence states: '6. Subject to the following variations, the minimum spacing distance between caravans made of aluminium or other materials with similar fire performance properties shall be not less than 5 metres between units, 3.5 metres at the corners. For those with a plywood or similar skin it shall be not less than 6 metres. Where there is a mixture of holiday caravans of aluminium and plywood, the separation distance shall be 6 metres, and where there is a mixture of permanent residential homes and holiday caravans, the separation distance should again be 6 metres. The point of measurement for porches etc is the exterior cladding of the caravan.'
Please can it be confirmed when the condition attached to planning permission: HS/FA/71/00649 was changed from Condition 6. 'The minimum distance between any two caravans shall be 20 ft.'
The Site Licence gives planning permission: 'HS/FA/81/00502 - Erection of 75 3 Bedroom Chalets' and planning permission: HS/FA/84/553, not on licence, is for the 'Erection of 34 single storey, short stay, semi-detached chalet units and 34 parking spaces'.
The RH Environmental Limited audit states that there are 885 static fully serviced caravans, it is noted that 54 of the chalets were demolished in 2011.
When was planning permission granted for the demolition of the remaining caravans and when was permission granted for the 'Change of Use' from chalets to static caravans?
The original permission was for 900 touring caravans, there are a number of 'Change of Use' applications for static caravans noted on the licence, but when was the original permission changed from touring caravans to static caravans?
HS/FA/85/00490 - Change of use of derelict land to touring caravan park' is noted on the Site Licence.
Please can it be confirmed when the 'Change of Use' was approved, changing the allowable caravans from touring to static caravans?
The density on this planning permission is for 75 per hectare, when was it changed to 60 per hectare (Model Rules)?
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The planning files are a matter of public record. The files have been ordered and will be available in our offices from Monday 23 January 2017 to be viewed. Please make an appointment to view the files after this date by contacting dcenquiries@hastings.gov.uk
You state that planning permission 71/659 is for 900 touring caravans. It actually states "The total number of caravans stationed on the land shall at no time exceed 900 and accommodation should be made available near the administrative block for up to 50 touring caravans out of the total number of 900 caravans". This is clearly states that 50 caravans will be touring caravans and the remaining 850 are unspecified in the permission.
I am attaching a newly scanned copy of that planning permission 71/659 as requested. The original paper copy is available to view in the planning files.Attachments
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