FOI request (FOI204637)
Bird Scarers
Requested Tue 10 January 2017
Responded Tue 10 January 2017I am currently a student at Derby University undertaking a M.Sc. in Applied Acoustics. As part of this qualification I am undertaking a project on the subject of audible agricultural bird scaring devices (gas guns).
Hopefully you will be able to provide some assisting material.
Under the above legislation I request the following information;
With regards to your Local Authority
a) do you have own complaint management protocols for bird scarers;
b) the number of complaints, in relation to bird scarers, received over the last 2 years broken down for each year, for 2015 and 2016;
c) whether the landowner/farmer had followed the NFU Code of Practice;
d) the details of any environmental noise levels taken, including distance from the noise source and was this a good reflection of the noise, i.e. no other influential noise sources or taken during unacceptable weather conditions for taking noise measurements;
e) whether the investigating officer considered the noise to be a Statutory Nuisance for Noise under section 79(g) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
f) did the Local Authority serve any Abatement Notices under section 80 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 in the years 2015 and 2016, distinguished for each year; and if so did the Authority stipulate measures that are required to abate the nuisance.
g) has the Local Authority produced any ‘local’ guidance for bird scarers and if so please include a copy in your response.
h) does the Local Authority have a procedure and/or standard form to for farmers to register bird scarers.
i) if ‘yes’ to h) how many times have bird scarers been registered using this procedure in 2015 and 2016.
Information not heldHastings Borough Council have had no complaints regarding bird scarers and have not investigated any complaints, served abatement notices or produced guidance. Hastings Borough is an urban area with little agricultural land.
Freedom of Information
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