FOI request (FOI204542)
Council Tax Support Scheme 2017/18
Requested Tue 10 January 2017
Responded Tue 10 January 2017Council Tax Support scheme in 2017/18
I would like to request the following information relating to the local council tax support scheme (sometimes referred to as council tax reduction) in your area.
Please note that questions 1 and 2 apply to intended changes to the local council tax support scheme in your area in April 2017. Question 3 also applies to specific changes, but includes the option of specifying that the change may have happened in a previous year. Question 4 relates to the introduction of protections for vulnerable groups and to other exemptions. Please answer questions 3 and 4 regardless of your answer to question 1.
If constraints on your time become an issue, I would also greatly appreciate that you prioritise responding to questions 1-3. I would appreciate if you could let me know if you do not have time to answer question 4.
Changes to the scheme in 2017/18
Does your local authority intend to change its current council tax support scheme in April 2017? (yes/no/undecided)
If yes, please outline if and how any of the following components of the scheme will change in 2017/18:
Component of Council tax Support Scheme
Will this be different in 2017/18?
(Yes or No)
Details (such as reducing the savings limit to £6,000 or changing the taper rate to 25%)
Require all residents to pay at least some of their council tax liability, regardless of income
Cap the amount that can be claimed based on the band of the property
The rate at which council tax support is withdrawn (tapered) as income increases
The maximum capital/savings someone can have to be eligible for council tax support (savings limit)
The minimum amount of council tax support that can be claimed before it is withdrawn in full
Entitlement to a second adult rebate
Components of income that are included in the means-test (e.g. child maintenance, disability benefits)
The hardship funding available to affected residents
Other components of the scheme
Please answer questions 3 and 4 regardless of your answer to question 1.
Has your local authority introduced either of the following changes to its council tax support scheme, and if so, when?
Component of Council tax Support Scheme
When this was introduced/changed? (E.g. 2016/17, 2017/18)
Details (E.g. not for first year of trading; in line with Universal Credit)
Assumption of a minimum income for the self-employed
Removal of the Family Premium
Specific protections for vulnerable groups
Do protections or exemptions for any of the following groups in your local authority’s current council tax support scheme?
Protected or exempted group
Details (E.g. in receipt of severe disability premium; in receipt of ESA; children under 5)
Families with a disabled person
Families with young children
Lone parents
Residents in particular council tax band (e.g. Band A)
Q1 - No
Q2 - n/a
Q3 - No
Q4 - We have no protected or exempt groups
Freedom of Information
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