FOI request (FOI204328)
plastic and recycling
Requested Thu 26 January 2017
Responded Thu 26 January 2017I seek information under the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) (2004) regarding plastic and recycling. Please note I would like my request to be handled under the EIRs rather than the Freedom of Information Act because my request relates to subjects included under section 2(1)(b) of the EIR.
1. a. Are you the local authority that is responsible for the collection of household waste for recycling/reuse/compost [henceforth referred to collectively as recycling] in your area?
1. b. If yes, please specify the percentage and weight of all waste collected in your area that was collected for recycling in the years
1. b. i. 2014/15 and
1. b. ii. 2015/16?
1. c. of the household waste that was collected for recycling, please specify, if known, the percentage and weight that was plastic in
1. c. i. 2014/15
1. c. ii. 2015/16
1. d. If no to 1.a., please specify the local authority that is/was responsible for collection in your area.
2. a. Did you record how much of the waste sent for recycling was actually recycled in
a. i. 2014/15 and
b. ii. 2015/16
2. b. If yes, please specify the percentage and weight of the waste sent for recycling that actually ended up being recycled in
2. b. i. 2014/15 and
2. b. ii. 2015/16
2. c. If known, please specify the percentage and weight of plastic sent for recycling that actually ended up being recycled
2. c. i. 2014/15 and
2. c. ii. 2015/16
2. c. If known, please specify the percentage and weight of waste collected for recycling that was sent to landfill/incineration in
2. c. i. 2014/15 and
2. c. ii. 2015/16
2. d. If no to 2.a., please explain why you do not monitor or enforce the reporting of your waste sent for recycling that is actually recycled.
3. a. Was any of the material you collected for recycling sent abroad for processing in the following years and if so what percentage and weight in
3. a. i. 2014/15 and
3. a. ii. 2015/16?
3. b. if known, please specify the percentage and weight of the waste sent abroad that was plastic
3. b. i. 2014/15 and
3. b. ii. 2015/16?
3. c. i. if known, please specify the percentage and weight of recycling material that was sent abroad was actually recycled in the years
3. d. i. 2014/15
3. d. ii. 2015/16
4. Please specify the names of all subcontractors you paid to manage your recycling in any form and the value of those contracts in
4. a. 2014/15 and
4. b. 2015/16
5. Do you, the local authority, accept that your declared recycling rates in the years 2014/15 and 2015/16 could be an overestimate as they do not account for the material rejected by the recycling companies and/or materials recovery facility?
Thank you for your consideration of this request. I prefer to receive this information electronically.
Should the information I request be caught by any exceptions please disclose all of the information that is not caught, and provide a list of that which you have been unable to disclose and why. For example, if you do not hold all that data for both requested years, please disclose that which you do have.
I understand some data on recycling rates i.e. waste collected for recycling is already available on gov.uk. However to ensure that data are being matched at the correct local authority level - as opposed to, say, a city council being confused with a county council - I would be grateful if you would still provide this information in your response. Therefore I would argue that my request that this information is included in your response is not unreasonable and therefore exception 12(4)(b) should not apply.
Greater transparency in the remuneration of private companies that hold contracts with public bodies is a matter of great public interest, contributing to the public’s confidence in robust and well-intending local authorities as well as reassuring the public that its efforts to protect the environment are underpinned by those of its local authority. I would argue that disclosing this information would not adversely affect a commercial interest which is protected by law and therefore do not expect exception 12(5)e to apply.
Under your regulation 9 duty to provide assistance I expect you to contact me should my request be unmanageable in any way and advise me how I might revise it. I request you kindly do this well in advance of the statutory 20 day working time limit so as to avoid a delayed overall response.
This information is held
Q1a & b
2014/15 - Hastings
Weight - 8649.78
Percentage - 28
2015/16 - Hastings
Weight - 8805.63
Percentage - 29
Q1c - Not recorded as plastic is collected as part of a dry mix of recycling. Input reports from the MRF show plastic to make up 11-12% of the dry mix delivered.
Q1d - N/A
Q2a - Yes - all of the dry recycling is sent to a MRF and we are provided with a monthly contamination rate that is deducted from the total recycling. Garden waste is sent to an IVC facility where all the material delivered is composted.
2014/15 - Hastings
Weight - 8649.78
Percentage - 28
2015/16 - Hastings
Weight - 8805.63
Percentage - 29
Q2c - Please see response to Q1c
Q2c - Not recorded – the monthly contamination rates provided by the MRF for the dry mix of recycling average at 6.6% 2014/15 and 6.2% 2015/16. The end destination of rejected material alters month on month and is either landfilled or incinerated at the direction of the MRF operator.
Q3a - The MRF operator uses the UK and Foreign markets to purchase their material for processing. What percentage and weight is specifically from material collected in Eastbourne, Hastings, Rother and Wealden is not supplied.
Q3b, c & d - Please see response to Q3a
Q4a & b - Kier Environmental Ltd are our collection contractors. The contract value is £12m per annum.
Q5 - Yes although we have already deducted the rejected material by the NRF in our reported recycling rate.
Freedom of Information
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