FOI request (FOI204297)
Parking Challenges FOI
Requested Tue 03 January 2017
Responded Thu 05 January 20171) Between January 1 and October 31 2016, how many on street parking fines / penalty charge notices were appealed or challenged?
By appeal or challenge, I mean the process by which drivers can appeal to or challenge the council on the fine. I.e. when you first get a driving fine, you can't go straight to court or to a tribunal - you have to initially appeal or challenge the fine via the council website. I am seeking to understand how many of those challenges or appeals were made - ie how many on street parking fines in that date range were challenged or appealed to the council directly as the first and initial action of the driver - though of course that figure will include challenges or appeals which were later taken to court / heard by a tribunal.
2) Between January 1 and October 31 2016, how many of the challenged or appealed on street parking fines / penalty charge notices from question 1 were successful in their initial challenge / appeal?
I do not wish to include challenges or appeals which were successful at the Traffic Penalty Tribunal / court / after further action. I seek to understand how many of the challenges or appeals quoted in question 1 were successful in their initial challenge or appeal to the council, eg the council said the application is successful and no fine was paid as a result. If the council denied the challenge or appeal, but the driver was later successful at the tribunal / after further action, I do not want them to be included in this figure.
Information not held.
On-street parking is dealt with by East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further informationĀ www.eastsussex.gov.uk
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