FOI request (FOI202902)
Business Process Automation (BPA)
Requested Fri 20 January 2017
Responded Fri 20 January 2017I would like to find out the extent of business process automation in your organisation.
Business process automation (BPA) describes use of a digital platform to replace manual and/or paper-based systems, to reduce costs, increase efficiency and empower service users to be able to do more for themselves.
The questions are as follows:
1 Do you have an organisation-wide strategy for BPA for the delivery of council services? If not, do you plan to develop such a strategy in the next 24 months?
2 Does each council directorate have its own strategy for BPA? If not, please can you indicate if they are in development?
3 Please can you list the top five business processes in your organisation by volume of transactions per annum and indicate which are fully automated, partly automated or not yet automated?
4 Please can you list the top five business processes in your organisation by total financial cost and indicate which are fully automated, partly automated or not yet automated?
5 Have you conducted an organisation-wide audit to identify business processes which can be automated? If not, please can you indicate if you are currently planning such an audit and when it will be complete?
6 Have you identified the current council activities where the highest cost savings can be delivered through business process automation? If not, please can you indicate if you are currently planning such an audit?
7 Please can you indicate council services that will introduce or improve automation in the next year?
8 What budget has your council allocated to support business automation projects in the past two years? Please indicate any documents relating to the business case to support such a budget.
9 What is the job title of the person who is ultimately responsible for business process automation strategy in your organisation?
Q1 - Yes
Q2 - No - We have one council-wide strategy
Q3 - Housing Benefits - partly automated, Council Tax - partly automated, Waste and Recycling - automated, Licensing - not yet automated and Housing - partly automated
Q4 - Waste and Recycling - £3M - Front Office Functions Fully Automated, Council Tax / Revenues -£2.7M Partially Automated, Benefits Payments - £1.6M - Partially Automated, Housing / Homelessness - £1M -Partially Automated and Development Management - £1M - Partially Automated
Q5 - Yes
Q6 - Yes
Q7 - Housing Benefits, Council Tax, Licensing and Parking
Q8 - £120K - Please see link to our Corporate Plan http://www.hastings.gov.uk/content/my_council/consultations/past_consultations/pdfs/draft-corporateplan
Q9 - Director Corporate Services and Governance
Freedom of Information
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