FOI request (FOI202356)
Software Suppliers
Requested Thu 12 January 2017
Responded Thu 12 January 20171. Please provide the name of the software supplier and product name used within your Local Authority for the following business functions:
- Building Control
- Planning (Development Control)
- Local Land Charges
- Environmental Health
- Grounds Maintenance
- Address Management (LLPG)
- Licensing (including Taxi's, alcohol, etc)
- Private Sector Housing
- Trading Standards
- Waste Management
2. Please provide the current contract end date for the each of these contracts
3. Please advise on the current contract value and the annual support and maintenance for each of these contracts
This information is held
- Building Control
IDOX Acolaid with IDOX EDRMS Document Management System and Arc GIS mapping.
rolling annual contract, £29.5k
- Planning (Development Control)
IDOX Acolaid with IDOX EDRMS Document Management System and Arc GIS mapping.
rolling annual contract, £29.5k
- Local Land Charges
IDOX Acolaid with IDOX EDRMS Document Management System and Arc GIS mapping.
rolling annual contract, £29.5k
- Environmental Health
Northgate M3
rolling annual contract, £16k
- Grounds Maintenance
Pitney Bowes Confirm
rolling annual contract, £10k
- Address Management (LLPG)
IDOX Acolaid with IDOX EDRMS Document Management System and Arc GIS mapping.
rolling annual contract, £29.5k
- Licensing (including Taxi's, alcohol, etc)
Northgate M3
rolling annual contract, £16k
- Private Sector Housing
Northgate M3
rolling annual contract, £16k
- Trading Standards
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
- Waste Management
We use our Waste Contractor's software system - Kierway - This is included as part of the overarching waste services contract.
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