FOI request (FOI-99417747)
Community led housing
Requested Wed 12 December 2018
Responded Mon 21 January 2019The Government has given increased backing to community led housing, a sector made up of organisations like housing co-operatives, cohousing groups, community land trusts, tenant management organisations and self-help housing groups.
Does the council have any policies or ones in development to support community led housing? If so, what are they and where do they appear?
Since 2010 how many grants and/or loans has the council given to community led housing groups or organisations?
Since 2010 how many land disposals or leases has the council made to community led housing groups or organisations?
Do you have dedicated staff to support community led housing? If so, what are their job titles?
Q1 - A new Housing Strategy is in development, which will state the council's aim of supporting community led housing organisations and set out the Community Led Housing funding the council has allocated to the Sussex Community Housing Hub.
Q2 - Two
Q3 - None
Q4 - We are one of a number of local authorities which are funding Sussex Rural Community Council (Action in Rural Sussex) to supply community led housing support services. This service funds a Community Led Housing Manager and a Community Led Housing Adviser.
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