FOI request (FOI-99415359)
Childcare allowance for councillors
Requested Wed 12 December 2018
Responded Fri 22 February 20191. Do you offer a childcare allowance for councillors?
2. Do you offer an adult dependent carers’ allowance for councillors?
3. Does i) your childcare allowance and ii) your adult dependent carers’ allowance pay for the actual costs members incur for childcare?
4. If not, what is the maximum payment per hour for i) childcare and ii) adult dependent care?
5. Are councillors permitted to claim allowances for more than one dependent for the same period of time?
6. Are councillors who receive Carers Allowance from the Government able to claim the council’s dependent carers allowance?
7. Is there a maximum payment over the course of a year or any other period of time for dependent carers’ allowance for councillors?
8. What are the requirements in terms of the standard or formality of care that must be met for councillors to receive payments for i) childcare and ii) adult dependent care?
9. Do dependent carers allowances cover all council related business, including all committee meetings, ad-hoc meetings with council staff or other councillors, surgeries, and other related council business?
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding, we have installed a new Freedom of Information system and have experienced a few problems.
Attached is our report from our Independent Remuneration Panel. This panel is made up external panel members who may recommendation about the rates of pay to Councillors but also claims for childcare and dependent care costs. Information about this is contained in this report.This document is publically available and was part of the agenda report packs for Cabinet meeting held on 4th December 2018 and Full Council held on 19th December 2018.The recommendations were agreed by Full Council on 19th December 2018.Attachments
Freedom of Information
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