FOI request (FOI-98269260)
Settlement boundaries
Requested Mon 03 December 2018
Responded Wed 12 December 20181. Settlement boundaries - Please could you provide us with all of your council's settlement boundaries. Please, could this be provided in, ideally, Shapefile format, or less preferred would be GeoJSON, and in worst case KML.
2. Growth villages/growth settlements - Please could you confirm which settlements you have outlines for housing growth within the council. A full list would be very much appreciated. ideally, this would be formatted in excel spreadsheet.
Hastings Borough is an urban authority with no settlements/villages separately defined within the Borough boundary.
As this is not the Council's data if a Shapefile is required for the boundary then this has to be obtained from Ordnance Survey: https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/business-and-government/products/boundaryline.html
The Local Plan does identifies 4 spatial areas with a series of associated strategic policy areas (Policies FA1-FA6). These policies set out indicative quantities of development for housing, employment and retail purposes. A weblink to both the relevant section of the Local Plan written statement (Hastings Planning Strategy) and the policies map is included here for information: http://www.planvu.co.uk/hbc2015/written/cpt5.htm
It will be necessary to zoom in to the Policies Map via the following link in order to see the 4 spatial areas:
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