FOI request (FOI-97567216)
Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property)
Requested Wed 28 November 2018
Responded Mon 10 December 2018FOI 1
Since 1st April 2018, how many individual cases of enforcement proceedings have commenced with non-compliant commercial properties within the local authority (both Local Authority owned and privately owned) in accordance with the Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015?
For each case please list:
· What Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating the property had
· Date enforcement proceedings began
Since 1st April 2018, how many successful prosecutions have taken place for non-compliant commercial properties within the local authority (both Local Authority owned and privately owned) in accordance with the Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015?
For each case please list:
· What Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating the property had
· Date enforcement proceedings began
· Outcome of prosecution
Please provide a breakdown of the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of all commercial properties owned by the local authority.
· Please provide the overview in both numbers and percentages for all commercial properties rated A-G, i.e. i.e. X number (Y%) are B rated and X number (Y%) are C rated.
· Please provide the number of any commercial properties that do not yet have an EPC rating and state any reasons why.
FOI 1 & 2 - Not applicable - East Sussex County Council are the enforcing authority, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.ukFOI 3A rated = 2B rated = 25C rated = 43D rated = 39E rated = 39F rated = 0G rated = 2Hastings Borough Council do not hold information on percentages, we also do hold information on the number of our commercial properties that do not have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC).We have EPCs only for properties where the regulations require us to.
Freedom of Information
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