FOI request (FOI-95382625)
Requested Mon 12 November 2018
Responded Thu 15 November 20181) Are Service Users clients customers the general public allowed to audio-visually record meeting and calls with your staff? If so, do they require permission or are they permitted to do so covertly? For eg with staff social workers police etc.
2) Do you have any guidance or policy for the public or service users to record calls when they speak to your staff
3) What is your organisations protocol on service users recording calls when they speak to your staff or call centres? Please provide a copy of your policy, procedure and guideline notes on this issue.
4) Do you Inform Users they can record. If the answer is no what is the reason for this please if so do send me a copy.
5) Are service users made aware of their right to record the encounter, if they choose to do so? Is this reflected in you policy document on the matter?
6) Does your organisation have an “Unacceptable Behaviour” policy? If so, please can you provide me with a copy? Regarding court staff the public or the court itself.
7) If such a policy contains points of objectionable behaviour such as telephones calls being recorded by the caller due to them being not necessary or unwanted or needed, and furthermore the staff members may feel threatened or apprehensive, are you aware that denying users the right to record calls goes against the current UK laws.
8) Are your policies and procedures compliant with the public right to audio-visually record encounters with your staff, without their consent? If not, will you provide appropriate training for your staff so they are fully informed of the Public right to record? If so what law guides you a link or copy please.
9) What is our organisations current charging policy for Freedom of Information requests (FOI) or Subject Access Requests (SAR)? If charges are applied are concessions available for those on low income or students?
10) What is your organisations complaints policy? Please can you forward me a copy? Does your complaints procedure permit service users evidence such as covert call recordings to form part of the investigation?
1 - Yes, The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 increased the rights of the members of the public and press attending meetings to film, audio-record, take photographs and use social media and blogging to report the proceedings of all council meetings that are open to the public. All phone lines within the contact centre are recorded and members of the public are advised of this before the call is answered. Members of the public if requested are permitted to record calls with the permission of the staff member.
2 - Information not held
3 - Information not held
4 - No
5 - No
6 - Please visit: https://www.hastings.gov.uk/my_council/complaints/
7 - As above
8 - Yes
9 - Subject Access Requests (SAR) are free
10 - Please visit: https://www.hastings.gov.uk/my_council/complaints/
Freedom of Information
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