FOI request (FOI-94999275)
B&Bs used for families and children
Requested Fri 09 November 2018
Responded Mon 19 November 2018Please can you help with the following two questions about Bed and Breakfast (B&Bs), or hotel style accommodation used to house families with children?
Families with children in B&B or hotel style accommodation:
1. How many families with children were housed in council owned B&B or other hotel style accommodation in 2017? Please give a separate figure for the number of individual children.
2. How many families accommodated in council owned B&Bs or other hotel style accommodation were there for longer than six weeks? Please give a separate figure for the number of individual children.
Q1 and Q2 - Hastings Borough Council does not own its own accommodation, they are all owned and managed by other people.
Information on households (e.g. families with children), placed in temporary accommodation can be viewed at https://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/live-tables-on-homelessness
Freedom of Information
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