FOI request (FOI-94619194)
Universal Credit
Requested Tue 06 November 2018
Responded Tue 13 November 2018Please could you provide me with the following information:
1. The number of households who presented themselves to the council as homeless while claiming Universal Credit ina.2015
2. If known, how many of the people in the answer to 1) were previouslyi. housing association tenants
ii. private tenants
iii. local authority tenants
3. If the council has housing stock, how many of its tenants evicted since November 2015 were in receipt of Universal Credit at the time they were evicted4. If the council has housing stock, how many of its tenants are claiming Universal Credit as of 06/11/185. How many of the claimants in the answer to 4) are currently subject to UC debt deductions6. How many of the claimants in the answer to 4) are known to be in rent arrears7, If known, the number of households who are not local authority tenants who have been evicted since November 2015 while claiming Universal Credit byi. housing associationsii. private landlords8 The amount of Discretionary Housing Payment provided for working age Universal Credit claimants as a proportion of the council’s total DHP spending ini. 2015/16
ii. 2016/17
iii. 2017/18
iv. 2018/19
Q1 - Information not held
Q2 - Information not held
Q3 & 4 - Hastings Borough Council do not own any housing stock, this was transferred to 1066 Housing Association (now Optivo) in 1996 as part of a Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT)
Q5 & 6 - N/A
Q7 - Information not held
Q8 -
i. 2015/16 - 0.00%
ii. 2016/17 - 0.13%
iii. 2017/18 - 17.79%
iv. 2018/19 (to date) - 31.59%
Freedom of Information
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