FOI request (FOI-94539714)
Election Information
Requested Tue 06 November 2018
Responded Mon 19 November 2018Please can you provide the following information from the most recent scheduled (IE not by-elections) local elections held in your council area and from the General Election in 2017.
1. The number of Polling Stations / Polling Places in your council area.
2. The number of Polling Station Inspectors appointed and their standard fee.
3. The number of Presiding Officers appointed and their standard fee.
4. The number of Poll Clerks appointed and their standard fee.
5. The number of Counting Assistants appointed and their standard fee.
6. The number of Senior Counting Assistants/Count Supervisors/Team Leader appointed and their standard fee.
7. The number of Deputy Returning Officers appointed and their standard fee.
8. The number of Postal Vote Opening Clerks (or similar) and their standard fee.
9. The number of Postal Vote Opening Supervisors and their standard fee.
10. If the previous elections this information has been supplied for were single or multiple elections (EG combined with a parish election or election of a Mayor) and if it was a multiple election how many of the Polling Stations/Places did this apply to if not all in your council area.
11. In addition to any standard fee for the items 2-9 any additional fixed fees for training, travel or other items.
a) = 2018 local elections b) = 2017 parliamentary election
1. a) 35 b) 35
2. a) 1 @ £206.00 b) 2 @ £199.50
3. a) 35 @ £236.00 b) 35 @ £229.50
4. a) 82 @ £153.75 b) 108 @ £149.50
5. a) 64 @ £10.00 per hour b) 65 @ £15.00 per hour
6. a) 31 @ £15.00 per hour b) 15 @ £25.00 per hour
7. a) 4 @ £0.00 b) 5 @ £0.00
8. a) 119 @ £25.00 b) 98 @ £25.00
9. a) 2 @ £25.00 b) 2 @ £25.00
10. N/A
11. N/A
Freedom of Information
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