FOI request (FOI-94104890)
Blue Badges
Requested Fri 02 November 2018
Responded Tue 06 November 2018Please could you answer the questions below about your local authority's policies on Blue Badges and the number of applicants your authority receives for Blue Badges?
Many thanks in advance for your assistance.
Blue Badge Applications
1. How many Blue Badge applications has your local authority received in 2017? Please include all Blue Badge applicants (not just those with Parkinson's).
2. Of these Blue Badge applications in 2017, please can you tell us:
a. How many were rejected?
b. How many were issued as a passported benefit from Personal Independence Payments/ Disability Living Allowance awards?
3. How many rejected Blue Badge applications resulted in an appeal (or request to review the decision), and how many appeals or reviews were successful?
4. Do you record how many of those applications were from people living with Parkinson's or another neurological condition? Yes/No
If yes, please outline:
a. How many applications of people with Parkinson's and/or a neurological condition were made?
b. How many applications of people with Parkinson's and/or a neurological condition were rejected?
Blue Badge Policies
5. Does your local authority charge Blue Badge holders to park in any of its car parks? Yes/No
If yes, please outline:
a. The reason the charges were introduced?
b. When these charges were introduced, and how much these charges are?
c. How many parking bays/car parks are affected?
d. If these charges apply to on-street or off-street parking, or both?
e. Was an impact assessment completed before they were introduced?
f. If there are there any exemption criteria for these charges, and what these exemption criteria are?
g. If you have a document outlining these charges, and how these charges are publicised. Please include the document in your response?
6. What guidance are decision makers using when deciding eligibility for Blue Badges? Please include a copy in your response.
Information not held
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Freedom of Information
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