FOI request (FOI-93256253)
Return Home Interviews
Requested Fri 26 October 2018
Responded Tue 30 October 2018I am writing to request information regarding provision of Return Home Interviews for children who have been reported missing. Please find questions attached.
ECRC Freedom of Information request
October 2018
Delivery and outcomes of Return Home Interviews
1. Are Return Home Interviews (RHIs) currently delivered to children who have been missing from home or care in your local authority area by:
a. A third sector agency? Yes/No
i. If yes, please tell us which agency:
b. A team based within your local authority? Yes/No
i. If yes, please tell us which team and/or the role of the professional
2. In the year 2016/17 RHIs delivered to children who have been missing from home or care in your local authority area by:
a. A third sector agency? Yes/No
i. If yes, please tell us which agency:
b. A team based within your local authority? Yes/No
i. If yes, please tell us which team and/or the role of the professional
3. In the year 2013/14 were RHIs delivered to children who have been missing from home or care in your local authority area by:
a. A third sector agency? Yes/No
i. If yes, please tell us which agency:
b. A team based within your local authority? Yes/No
i. If yes, please tell us which team and/or the role of the professional
Offered and completed interviews:
4.a) How many incidents of children going missing from home or care were reported in your local authority between 1 April 2017 and 31 March 2018?
b) How many individual missing children does this figure relate to, during the same time period?
5.a) For how many of these missing incidents did you offer an RHI to either the young person or a parent/carer?
b) How many of those offers of interviews were accepted by the child/young person?
c) For how many of these missing incidents was the offer of an RHI declined by the young person or a parent/carer?
6.a) For how many of these missing incidents reported between 1 April 2017 and 31 March 2018 did an RHI get carried out?
b) How many of the missing incidents were addressed in an RHI within 72 hours of the child returning from being missing?
c) Please explain briefly how this is measured and any assumptions the 72 hour calculation is based on including:
i. whether you calculate from return or police referral date
ii. if you use hours or days, and if days is this calendar or working days
iii. if you make any adjustments for incidents where the young person goes missing again before an RHI can be offered (e.g. exclude these or calculate time after most recent incident only)
7.a) Do you provide or commission any follow-up support for children and young people following an RHI? Yes/No
b) If yes please give details:
i. What happens to the information collected during an RHI?
ii. What steps are available when vulnerability has been identified?
8. Please tell us more about your return interview service. Would you like to see any changes in national guidance? What are the barriers to effective provision? What is working well in your area?
Information not held
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council Children's Services, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Freedom of Information
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