FOI request (FOI-91990797)
Supported Living and Care Providers
Requested Tue 16 October 2018
Responded Thu 18 October 2018I am writing on the 15th of October 2018 to request information regarding costs paid to care providers and landlords providing Adult Social Care services to individuals with learning disabilities/mental health difficulties.
Care Providers - supported living
1) How many care providers of Supported Living for adults with learning disabilities/mental health does the council have contracts with? If possible, please list these providers.
2) What is the highest hourly rate paid to providers for adult learning disabilities/mental health Supported Living Services?
3) What is the lowest hourly rate paid to providers for adult learning disabilities/mental health Supported Living Services?
4) If a list of providers is available, please state the average hourly pay to each provider.
Accommodation classed as supported living:
1) A list of supported living accommodation providers (social landlords, voluntary providers, housing associations .etc) that the council has contracts with, or has individuals in placement with, that have a learning disability or mental health difficulty.
2) The highest rent the council pays to landlords for individual rents for tenants with a learning disability/mental health difficulty.
3) The lowest rent the council pays to landlords for individual rents learning disability/mental health difficulty.
4) If possible, please state the average rent (if not available - gross rent or other rent paid) to individual landlords for tenants with learning disability/mental health difficulty.
5) If known, please state whether the above rents are core rent or inclusive of service charges (gross rent).
For your reference, the definition of 'exempt accommodation' includes: accommodation provided by a county council, housing association, registered charity or organisation where care, support or supervision is provided to the tenant/claimant. In this case, the FOI is particularly interested in 'supported living' services and accommodation which provides a care element, regardless of whether the care is provided by an external provider or someone associated with the landlord.
Information not heldThis area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council Adult Social Care, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk -
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