FOI request (FOI-91841839)
IT Software
Requested Mon 15 October 2018
Responded Thu 18 October 2018As per the FOI Act, I would like to request specific information from your Council (Borough/ District/City) regarding the IT software estate currently in place.
The reason for my request, is that we will approach organisations such as your own to establish how much we can save you from your IT budget, through our compliant pre-owned software licensing models.
I would specifically like to request the following, in electronic format please:
- What is the current number of staff who use a PC or a laptop within your organisation?
- What are the current Microsoft software licences (server and desktop) that you are using?
- What is your annual IT spend on Microsoft licences?
- Has your organisation moved, or is planning to move, to the Cloud in the next 12 months?
- Are you due to undertake a review of your software estate in the next 12 months?
Q1 - 340
Q2 - Microsoft Server Data Centre, Microsoft Windows 7
Q3 - £16,000
Q4 - We utilise SaaS in a number of business areas
Q5 - No
Q6 - Mark Bourne, Head of IT
Freedom of Information
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