FOI request (FOI-90333221)
Office Out Fits
Requested Tue 02 October 2018
Responded Fri 19 October 2018Could you please provide me with the following information:
- Does your organisation have any office fit outs (including or excluding furniture and design) projects scheduled up to September 2020?
- 2. Does your organisation have a preferred route to market for procuring office fit outs?
- Does your organisation design office fit outs from an internal resource or use an external resource?
- Does your organisation project manage office fit outs from an internal resource or use an external resource?
- Does your organisation procure the required furniture as part of the specific office fit out specification or does your organisation utilise an established framework agreement or contract to procure the relevant furniture? If yes, what complaint procurement framework/contract is used?
- What is the name and job title of the decision maker within your organisation for office fit outs?
Hastings Borough Council has just one main operational building, Muriel Matters House and a small presence in the Town Hall. Muriel Matters House was fully fitted out about 4 years ago. There are no planned fit outs for the foreseeable future.
1. No and none foreseen for much further on.
2. Yes, we are a partner in the East Sussex Procurement Hub and during the last fit out about 4 years ago, we went down the route of using established procurement frameworks.
3. Both, a co-design approach was used at the last fit out.
4. An internal resource was used.
5. The last fit out about 4 years ago saw all office furniture replaced. We used the CCS Framework RM3703: https://ccs-agreements.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/contracts/rm3703
Whilst replacement furniture is rare we use the same company for consistency.
6. Jane Hartnell - Director of Corporate Services and Governance
Freedom of Information
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