FOI request (FOI-89814261)
Schedule of Static Caravan, Touring, Camping and Residential Parks
Requested Fri 28 September 2018
Responded Thu 18 October 2018I should be very grateful if you would send me, by return-email, a copy of the public register schedule specifying the names, addresses, number of pitches, email addresses and contact details etc, of all Static, Touring & Camping Parks as well as all Residential Parks in your area. Please could you also let me have the name and contact details (email and phone number) of the person dealing with this matter and the name of the department responsible (probably environmental health and/or licensing).
The list of Static caravan sites is as follows, this information is kept as a public record which includes the names of licensees however does not include telephone numbers and email addresses.
1. Combe Haven, Harley Shute Road, St Leonards on Sea. Operated by Bourne Leisure, 1 Park lane, Hemel Hempstead - Licensed for 960 pitches.
2. Rocklands, Rocklands Lane, Hastings. Operated by Mr L G Guilliard, Mrs J M Guilliard and Mr S V Guilliard - Licensed for 82 pitches.
3. Spindlewood Country Park, Rock Lane, Hastings, Operated by Mr K E Fleet and Mrs A Fleet -Licensed for 102 pitches.
4. Stalkhurst Caravan site, Ivyhouse Lane, Hastings operated by Mr d Young, Mrs D Young, Mr C Young and Mrs N Young - Licensed for 22 static vans and 11 Touring pitches.
5. Shearbarn Holiday Park, Barley Lane, Hastings. operated by Shearbarn holiday park Ltd at the same address - Holds 2 Licences, one for 141 static lodges/vans and one for 150 touring/camping pitches.
There are no residential parks within the Borough area.
The responsibility for licensing falls under our licensing department within the Environment and Place Directorate.
Please contact:
Bob Brown
Licensing Manager,
Hastings Borough Council
Muriel Matters house
Breeds Place
TN34 3UY
Tel: 01424 783249
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