FOI request (FOI-89718863)
Waste and recycling collections (27th September 2018)
Requested Thu 27 September 2018
Responded Wed 03 October 2018I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act (2000), or if you think more appropriate under the Environmental Information Regulations (2004). Please could you provide answers to the below questions via email.
1. What frequency are residual waste and recycling collections made in your Authority?
I. Are collections for residual waste and recycling made separately or together? (Please advise if separate collections are made for dry and organic recycling)
2. Is residual waste collection for your authority carried out by in house resources or is it outsourced to a third party?
3. Is recycling collection carried out by in house resources or is it outsourced to a third party? (Please advise if there are separate contracts for dry recycling and organic recycling)
If waste collection is managed in house:
4. What is the approximate expenditure, per annum for:
i. Residual waste
ii. Dry recycling
iii. Organic recycling
Please provide gross expenditure (before any income). Please include expenditure on collection only (i.e. no disposal costs)
If waste collection is outsourced:
5. For each outsourced contract:
i. Which outsourcing firm(s) are used?
ii. When did the contract(s) start?
iii. When is the contract(s) due to terminate?
iv. What is the total annual value of the contract(s)?
Where spend is part of a broader multi-service contract, please provide an estimate of spend on waste services only
6. Which of the following services are specified in the contract(s)?
I. Waste services
a. Collection
b. Disposal of general refuse
c. Disposal of recyclates
ii. Type of waste collected
a. Residual waste
b. Food waste
c. Co-mingled recycling
d. Kerbside sort recycling
e. Garden waste
f. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment recycling (WEEE)
g. Other (please specify)
iii. Non-waste services
a. Grounds maintenance
b. Street cleaning
c. Beach cleaning
d. Public convenience cleaning
e. Gullies cleaning
f. Highways maintenance
g. Burial services
h. Operation of Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs)
i. Other (please specify)
7. Does the contract(s) cover just your authority or any neighbouring authorities?
8. Who was responsible for waste collection before the start of the current contract(s)?
9. Please specify which outsourcing firm and the annual value of the previous contract
10. Does your current refuse collection contract contain targets for the diversion of waste from landfill? If so, please specify the target for each year of the contract
11. Does the authority receive rebates from recycling? (A rebate is defined as any payment received by the authority in respect to the disposal of recyclates)
12. If so, what has been the annual value of all rebates over the last three years? (please specify the years covered)
13. Does the authority take the risk of changes in commodity prices for recyclates?
14. Please state the nature of any risk sharing mechanisms that the authority has in place with any provider of waste management
15. Over the latest available period, what proportion of total collections were ‘missed’? (please state the period provided)
i. A ‘missed’ collection is any collection which is known by the authority not to have taken place on the prescribed day due to a failure of the authority or its contractor
16. If garden waste is collected in your authority, which of the following options apply:
i. Garden waste collections are free of charge to residents (i.e. the authority cover the full cost of this service)
ii. Garden waste is collected and paid for by residents (i.e. residents cover the full cost of this service)
iii. Residents pay a contribution to garden waste collection but it is partially subsidised by the authority
iv. Residents pay a one-off 'bin fee' for a green bin that will then be collected by the council
Q1 - Hastings – Predominantly Fortnightly Refuse, Fortnightly Recycling however due to operational restrictions in some areas refuse and recycling may be collected weekly.
Q1i - All - Separately
Q2 - Eastbourne, Hastings, Rother and Wealden councils jointly procured a Waste and Recycling Collection and Street and Beach Cleansing contract.
Q3 - Please see Q2
Q4 - N/A
Q5 -
i - Kier Services Ltd
ii - 1 April 2013
iii - 28 June 2019
iv - Waste Collection only – circa £8 million
Q6i -
a. Yes
b. No this is the responsibility of East Sussex County Council.
c. Yes
ii -
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes
d. No
e. Yes
f. No
g. No
iii -
a. No
b. Yes
c. Yes
d. No
e. No
f. No
g. No
h. No
i. No
Q7 - The contract covers Eastbourne Borough Council, Hastings Borough Council, Rother District Council and Wealden District Council.
Q8 - Hastings – Veolia
Q9 - Hastings, Waste collection circa £2m per annum.
Q10 - No
Q11 - Yes
Q12 - Circa £2.2 million per year of the contract.
Q13 - No
Q14 - None
Q15 - Partnership result for July 2018 was 200 missed bins per 100,000.
Q16 - Residents in Eastbourne, Hastings, Rother and Wealden cover the collection costs of the service.
Freedom of Information
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