FOI request (FOI-87968289)
Academic Research into the use of Design Review Panels in Planning
Requested Wed 12 September 2018
Responded Fri 14 September 2018I am requesting some information which I intend to use for my research project into the use of Design Review Panels.
Please could you provide me with the following information via email to this address copied to my private email Rachel@urbanblu.co.uk as well
These questions relate to your planning department.
1: Do you use the services of a Design Review Panel for any of your planning applications?
If yes then:
2: Which Design Review Panel do you use?
3: How many times did you use the Design Review Panel last year?
4: What types of schemes do you use them for? e.g. Major or any full application
5: Are schemes put forward for Design Review by the planning officer or the applicant or both?
6:Do Planning Committee members attend Design Review Panels? Yes/No
7: Can members of the public attend Design Review Panels?Yes/No
8:Have any of your schemes failed planning despite a good response from the Design Review Panel? yes/no
Hastings Borough Council have not used the services of Design Review Panels for planning applications.
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