FOI request (FOI-87398765)
Exit from the EU
Requested Fri 07 September 2018
Responded Wed 28 November 2018I am writing to you to request, under the Freedom of Information act, the following things.
First, any documents produced by your trust or council outlining planning or preparations for the upcoming exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union.
Second any advice or notices to stakeholders given by your trust in relation to the upcoming exit from the EU.
Finally, a list of any payments made to external organisations or companies for services in relation to your preparation for the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union since 23 June 2016, including, if possible, the name of the organisation or company and a description of the services requested.
Please refer to Audit Committee Report 15 November 2018 via the following link:https://hastingsintranet.moderngov.co.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=158&MId=3105&Ver=4In terms of external funding we have clarified the position with stakeholders regarding the ability to still participate in EU projects up to 2020.
Freedom of Information
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