FOI request (FOI-84421733)
Tips (Colliery Spoil Mounds)
Requested Fri 10 August 2018
Responded Fri 31 August 2018The stability of tips adjacent to the railway is a material consideration for Network Rail, such tips may also pose a risk from the effects of spontaneous combustion and from the effects of uncontrolled surface water runoff.
As a consequence of the Hatfield Colliery incident in 2013 and subsequent incidents in proximity to track, a project has been initiated to identify all colliery tips in proximity to our infrastructure. The project will determine how they are being managed to ensure they are kept stable and risks controlled. Network rail is of the opinion that it falls to local authorities to satisfy themselves that tips in their area are stable and to intervene in the event that the owner fails to keep them stable. Network Rail is interested to know if you have any records of such tips within your administrative boundary. And if so, please can you provide a commentary on how you are discharging your responsibilities in this regard and any evidence you hold to demonstrate the stability of the tips near the railway.
Information not held
Hastings Borough Council have no colliery tips in the area.
The household recycling sites in this area are the responsibility of East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
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