FOI request (FOI-83750932)
Brexit Impact Assessment / Planning
Requested Fri 03 August 2018
Responded Fri 24 August 20181. Please provide any Brexit impact assessments conducted by your council, or other forms of Brexit planning. If you haven't undertaken any Brexit impact assessments please provide other forms of Brexit planning, as well as any notes for context.
2. Please provide any emails relating to Brexit planning/the impact of Brexit.
Our 'Brexit' impact assessments have effectively been condensed into our Strategic Risk Register and Annual Governance Statement.
Strategic Risk Register: https://hastings.moderngov.co.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=158&MId=2595&Ver=4
Annual Governance Statement: Pages 38-42, paragraph 22 of Appendix A - Financial Statement 2017-2018 in the attached link: https://hastings.moderngov.co.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=158&MId=3104&Ver=4 which says: "22.
Also last year, it was reported that there was a potential risk to do with the implications arising from 'Brexit'.
This still potentially has significant implications in the years ahead for the level of external funding that Hastings and the Council receives and the joint working that is undertaken with partner organisations both in this country and Europe. It may also have implications on the Council's central government funding, business rate income, procurement arrangements and treasury management strategy.
Councillors will be informed of the implications as and when sufficient detail becomes available.
Freedom of Information
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