FOI request (FOI-82886873)
Digital transformation
Requested Thu 26 July 2018
Responded Mon 20 August 2018To whom it may concern,
Please see below Freedom of Information Request.
A) Digital Transformation strategy- Do you have any Digital Transformation program and/or strategy?
- What are your digital transformation priorities / objectives for 2018/19?
- What is the value of any budgetary savings associated with digital transformation for 2018/19?
- What is the breakdown of these budgetary savings by service area?
- Who is in charge of this program/strategy development in your organisation?
- Does the council have a specific digital transformation team?
- Who is the officer responsible for digital transformation in your organisation?
- Have you allocated a specific budget for Digital Transformation activities in 2018/19 and 2019/20? If yes, please state how much for each year.
- Have you applied or do you plan to apply to government funding for Digital Transformation? (e.g. City deals, DCMS Urban Connected Communities)
- Have you received or do you plan to apply for government funding to support digital transformation? E.g. City deals, DCMS Urban Connected Communities. If yes, who from and how much has been received?
B) Data sharing and analysis- Do you have an internal data sharing plan/strategy for enhancing the efficiency & effectiveness of operations within the council? (e.g. Data sharing across Revenue & Benefit, Social Care, Housing, Community Safety, Environment)
- Do you have a multi-agency data sharing plan/strategy for enhancing the efficiency & effectiveness of your operations within your council? (e.g. data sharing across police, fire and rescue, NHS services.
- Who is the officer responsible for delivering your data sharing program/strategy development?
- What are your priorities / focus relating to data sharing/analytics?
- Have you allocated a budget for data sharing activities during 2018/19 and 2019/20? If yes, how much for each year?
- Are you using or do you plan to use a specific technology platform for delivering data sharing within your organisation?
- If yes, was / will this technology be an off the shelf packaged solution, a bespoke solution or developed in-house?
I look forward to receiving your response.
A) Digital Transformation strategy
Q1 - Yes – we have a wider Transformation Programme of which Digital is a strand
Q2 - 1. Channel Shift; 2. Developing further self-service applications; 3 – Essential system's upgrades and rationalisation.
Q3 - We have a target of £250K
Q4 - Information not held – organisation wide.
Q5 - Transformation Manager – Stephen Dodson
Q6 - Yes
Q7 - Transformation Manager
Q8 - Investment is made on a business case basis.
Q9 - Not at this stage.
Q10 - No
B) Data sharing and analysis
Q1 - No
Q2 - We have some data sharing agreements in place, where there is a legal basis for sharing.
Q3 - Head of ICT – Mark Bourne
Q4 - Analytics to inform intelligence based decisions.
Q5 - No discrete budget
Q6 - Information not held.
Q7 - n/a
Freedom of Information
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